LABC Trainee of the Year 2018 Bhavesh Patel: Celebrating our future generation of surveyors

photo of trainee of the year and labc president.

Bhavesh Patel from Hertfordshire Building Control was named Trainee of the Year in front of 150 attendees at the LABC President’s Reception last week.

He is hard working, energetic, and enthusiastic and an inspiration to others in what can be achieved in a short space of time.
Mark McGinty, Deputy Head of Building Control at Hertfordshire LABC

Bhavesh was nominated by Mark McGinty, Deputy Head of Building Control at Hertfordshire LABC. Mark said in his nomination: “On joining Hertfordshire Building Control, Bhavesh had very little knowledge of the technicalities of building control.

"What he did have in spades was a burning desire to learn and a passion for leading the building compliance process.

"He has demonstrated his desire to learn by pairing up with more experienced surveyors, attending CPD events and putting the hard yards in to study the Regulations and potential solutions to technical issues.

"This hard work has paid off such, that very quickly he has become a useful member of the team, able to be trusted to deal with customers with little supervision…..He is hard working, energetic, and enthusiastic and an inspiration to others in what can be achieved in a short space of time. He is also self-effacing and modest, unafraid to ask for advice and I feel that it is this attribute above all that will ensure his success in his chosen profession.”

Nominate your Trainee of the Year

Watch Bhavesh's video

Bhavesh beat lots of applicants from across the country to gain this prestigious award. Bhavesh said: “I’m over the moon…. I’d like to thank my manager Mark McGinty and Hertfordshire Building Control for supporting me in my development”.

Dave Sharp, incoming President of LABC said of the awards “It’s an accolade to all our young surveyors who were nominated for the award, that each of them has shown commitment and worked extremely hard over the past 12 months to be recognised by their managers.

"They have all earned the respect of their peers and colleagues in their determination to succeed in both their work commitments and education as they progress towards qualification – and it shows how important our own LABC training and development programmes are for our industry.

"Congratulations to Bhavesh on his award -  the competition was extremely fierce this year with excellent candidates  being put forward and this only goes to show the strength developing among our LABC surveyors around the country”.

Nominate your Trainee of the Year

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