Time to change the culture of the building industry

Press Release
Picture of tall building representing the building industry

LABC is calling for the building industry to work together to change its culture. The call came at a recent fire safety seminar, organised by RIBA, by LABC's Commercial Director, Martin Taylor (watch the short video below).

Martin has been closely involved in the Hackitt Review sitting on two working groups – the design, construction and refurbishment group and the crucial ‘Golden Thread’ group. The latter group focussed on ways of preserving the original design intent throughout complex and high risk building projects and making sure any changes go through a formal review process.

Martin explained, “Dame Judith Hackitt has challenged the industry to change following the dreadful Grenfell Tower fire. Our view is that all parts must come together to change the culture now and not wait for any changes to the regulations and guidance."

“For too long there has been a race to the bottom where building clients have been looking for the least interference at the least cost. And we all know where that race ended up. A more cooperative outlook with competition over quality and competencies rather than just price will benefit the industry as a whole and lead to better, safer and more compliant building projects.”

Further information

Also read:

LABC to play a role in Hackitt Review Golden Thread working group

LABC backs Hackitt report for comprehensive improvements to Building Regulations

For media enquiries, or to arrange an interview, please contact: Louise Williams on louise.williams@labc.co.uk or ring 020 8616 8120.


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