LABC to play a role in Hackitt Review Golden Thread working group

Press Release
Picture showing high rise building - Golden Thread Working Group - Hackitt Review - LABC

Following on from Dame Judith Hackitt’s invitation to LABC to participate in three working groups, LABC’s Commercial Director, Martin Taylor, has now been asked to sit on an additional Golden Thread working group.

The Golden Thread group will focus on key points from the interim report into into the Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety, including the need for a golden thread for all complex and high risk building projects so that the original design intent is preserved and any changes go through a formal review process.

Commenting Lorna Stimpson, Deputy MD for LABC said, “LABC is committed to the highest possible professional standards and effective building regulation. 

"These are important working groups informing the recommendations of the Hackitt Review and we welcome the opportunity to add our expertise to their deliberations.”

Further information

Also read LABC welcomes participation in Hackitt Review working groups and LABC backs Hackitt Report for comprehensive improvements to Building Regulations.

For media enquiries, or to arrange an interview, contact the PR and Marketing Department on 020 8616 8120 or email

See our full list of documents and articles relating to the Hackitt Report and building regulations since the Grenfell Tower tragedy


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