Blog Post
One of our officers was surprised to be greeted with this novel approach to childproofing windows at a recent completion inspection - a child safety…
In 2014 Shane Wilkinson was killed on site when an unsecured trench wall collapsed on top of him at a building site in Collyweston. The father of…
Blog Post
With the horrific events of recent months, the importance of fire safety has rightly never been more in the spotlight. The annual Fire Door Safety…
A new Alert guidance document published by Structural-Safety* incorporating CROSS (Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety) and SCOSS (Standing…
Brexit could prove disastrous for the delivery of new homes and infrastructure unless transitional arrangements are put in place to allow the…
The DCLG have established the Building Safety Programme to identify buildings which are of concern following the fire at Grenfell Tower. There is a…
Case study
Project summary Client: University of LiverpoolMain Contractor: Shepherd ConstructionArchitect: Fairhursts Design Group (FDG)LABC team: Liverpool…
Blog Post
We  offer a wide range of courses for members and non-members alike, so whether you're a building control professional, architect, specialist…
Working together within the CIC, the built environment professions have agreed to: