Further dates announced for Fire Safety Specialist assessments

LABC Fire safety specialists course

LABC have announced two more dates for its Fire Safety Specialist competence validation programme. Assessment days in London, Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester will be held on 25 September and 30 October.

The assessment has been developed by LABC for its most experienced (Level 6) surveyors to demonstrate their competence in fire safety in higher risk and complex buildings. The Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) has worked with LABC on the process and have confirmed that by passing the assessment, individuals will be able to gain access to associate membership of the IFE (AIFireE) subject to an appropriate professional portfolio.

Successful participants will be given a certificate of competence as a Level 6 LABC Building Standards Fire Safety Specialist as well as a licence card.

All assessments are confidential and further details can be found here.


Eligibility for level 6 assessment

Submitted 5 years 8 months ago

Hello, I’m currently doing the level 4 diploma with LABC. When this finishes I can go onto the degree course. My question is: if I didn’t go down this route could I sit the level 6 fire assessment course in a couple of years time to gain level 6 status. I’m currently a building Control Surveyor at Hyndburn Borough Council and have been doing this job for 2 years, I just want to know what my best options are.

Many thanks anthony

Reply to: Eligibility for level 6 assessment

Submitted 5 years 8 months ago

Hi Anthony,

Please contact learning@labc.co.uk and the team will be happy to answer your query.



Level 6 LABC Building Standards Fire Safety Specialist assessmen

Submitted 4 years 5 months ago

How and where do I apply to do this assessment


Submitted 4 years 5 months ago

Hello there

If you're an LABC member there are more details here (you'll need to be logged in) https://www.members.labc.co.uk/training/courses/labc-fire-safety-specialists-competence-validation

Kind regards
Julie, LABC

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