Grenfell Tower: Statement from the BCA

Press Release
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Statement on Grenfell Tower from the Building Control Alliance (BCA) representing The Building Control sector and DCLG observers Local Authority Building Control, private sector Approved Inspectors, Chartered Institute of Building, Chartered Association of Building Engineers and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

All those working in building control have been deeply shocked by the tragedy at Grenfell Tower and the terrible unexpected extent of the fire raises fundamental questions for all professionals. Our hearts go out to the residents, the bereaved and everyone else involved in the event and aftermath.

Initially our focus has been on industry-wide cooperation to identify other buildings that could be at risk and need investigation. This has been happening rapidly and with information being gathered and shared from many different sources.

Information and guidance are also being shared on rain shield external wall treatments using aluminium composite material (ACM) panels. Urgent discussions are being held and individual local authorities, housing associations, property owners, building control bodies and other professional advisors are making physical inspections of high rise buildings that are thought to be high risk and helping decide on the best way forward for building owners and residents.

As inquiries and findings are released, local authority building control and approved inspectors will take a very active part in any review of the building regulations, processes and practices that are considered by DCLG and/or the Welsh Government.

See our full list of documents and articles relating to the Hackitt Report and building regulations since the Grenfell Tower tragedy

For media enquiries, or to arrange an interview, contact the PR and Marketing Department on 020 8616 8120 or email


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