Habinteg Wheelchair Housing Design Guide (3rd edition) published

Habinteg Wheelchair Housing Design Guide image

The third edition of Habinteg’s Wheelchair Housing Design Guide was published in February 2018.  

This guide provides all the information you need to design good quality, wheelchair accessible housing. Filled with practical advice, insightful design considerations and clear explanations, it has been specifically designed to complement the 2015 Building Regulations, giving practical guidance on implementation of Approved Document M4 Category 3 – the wheelchair accessible standard. Detailed good practice recommendations and design features are also given for those looking to surpass the minimum standard.

This comprehensive resource has been produced with expert contributions from the Centre for Accessible Environments (CAE) and the Royal College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section – Housing, along with input from a cross-section of experts including building control, architects, developers and other housing professionals.

The Wheelchair Housing Design Guide published by RIBA is priced at £35 and will be of particular use to housebuilders and architects, as an informative guide to inspire best practice throughout the sector. Following its 1997 and 2006 editions the new 136-page volume is an essential update, and aims to encourage us all to consider the holistic impacts of accessible housing during all stages of the design process.

In the Foreword, Habinteg Vice-Chair Andrew Gibson says:

“As Vice Chair of Habinteg and a wheelchair user myself I have seen first-hand the difference that well-designed wheelchair accessible housing can make. There is a growing need for wheelchair accessible housing, and high quality design is important across the spectrum. The benefits to the individuals and families are invaluable, whatever the tenure.”

Julie Fleck OBE, MRTPI, Strategic Access and Inclusive Design Adviser/BEPE Project Lead said:

“The Wheelchair Housing Design Guide should be essential reading for any architect, designer, planner or surveyor – whether a student or in practice. The clear explanations and the reasoning behind the technical standards will help practitioners gain a better understanding of how to maximise the independence of residents – and will be particularly useful to those who wish to go beyond basic minimum standards and help create inclusive and cohesive communities.

Our future depends on an equal and fair society – the provision of more accessible homes is fundamental to achieving this.”

Habinteg recognises that accessible homes change lives, and are committed to demonstrating and sharing best practice in regards to access and inclusion. Habinteg’s technical consultancy team, CAE, provide an expert training and advisory service which is utilised by planners, local authorities and access professionals alike.

The guide is dedicated to the memory of the late Sir Bert Massie, former Habinteg tenant and Board member and Chair of the Disability Rights Commission, who lent his voice so willingly to the call for more accessible homes.

To order the guide, go to www.habinteg.org.uk.

For more information please contact Christina McGill on 020 7822 8715 or cmgill@habinteg.org.uk


(No subject)

Submitted 4 years 3 months ago

Very useful

Universal design

Submitted 4 years 3 months ago

Wheelchair user and interested in accessible homes.

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