Rogue builder jailed for fraud after faking documents

Barbed wire - jail for conman builder

A north west builder has been jailed for fraud after admitting faking insurance documents and building control approval forms as well as carrying out unauthorised and substandard building work. 

The builder – now jailed – left one customer in Manchester out of pocket to the tune of around £60,000 and preyed on two elderly and vulnerable residents in Cheshire.

The builder was prosecuted following an investigation by Manchester City Council trading standards team working with colleagues in Cheshire West and Chester and Halton Borough.

Commenting, LABC Chief Executive Lorna Stimpson said, "this is a terrible example of how a single rogue trader can cause misery for people acting in good faith and it is good news he has been prosecuted. Our thanks go to our fellow public protection colleagues in trading standards who have worked hard on this difficult, but ultimately successful case. 

"People should always take care when choosing a builder and seek competitive quotes and references. And they should talk to their local building control team to explain what requirements their work will need to meet the building regulations."

Further information

Read full details of the prosecution here

Also read: How to avoid cowboy builders


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