The building regulations require new buildings to be constructed within a range of airtightness performance standards to ensure that the infiltration…
Building regulations require external masonry cavity walls to resist the penetration of precipitation (rain and snow) to the inside of the building…
Any walls that are not part of a house or extension are unlikely to be controlled by building regulations unless these provide support to the…
The Building a Safer Future (BSF) Charter has launched its ‘Charter Champion’ company initiative to help companies drive the systemic culture change…
The MHCLG has announced planning gateway one is to be introduced from 1 August 2021 for buildings over 18m (or seven storeys in height). The gateway…
On 29 April the Fire Safety Bill received Royal Assent and became law in England and Wales.  The Act amends the RRO (Fire Safety Order) 2005 to…
When replacing internal doors in a house, it is important to consider if they perform the function of a fire door, assist with good circulation of…
The building regulations provide controls for building work to be done for health, safety, security, welfare, convenience, access for people in and…
Building regulations require landings at the top and bottom of every stair or ramp flight. The length of the landing should be at least as long as…