CCS helping the construction industry make good impressions to build for the future

Under construction sign

With an ageing work force there are many initiatives being put into place to attract younger generations to join the construction industry. As with anything, first impressions are a key factor when forming an opinion on someone or something.

The Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) have recognised this and introduced the First Impressions initiative to improve the appearance of construction sites, create an excellent first impression on the general public, and improve the image of the industry.

A shift in culture is needed to ensure site appearance is regarded as an essential requirement. This initiative aims to improve the image of the construction industry by emphasising the importance of site appearance. Sites kept to these high standards will act as attractive advertisements for the construction industry and help to recruit the next generation of workers.

Working with a team of graduates, CCS has grouped the initiative into four modules to enhance and promote the image and presentation of sites:

Exterior signage – the external appearance and signage should create a positive first impression.
Career opportunities – career opportunities should be promoted to highlight the variety of roles available and encourage a diverse workforce for the future.
Selling the project – hoardings should be used to advertise the company and promote the benefits of the project.
Promoting performance – promoting sustainable performance aims to overturn the perception that construction work is disorganised and wasteful.

Within each module CCS have outlined basic, best practice and leading edge standards. Companies and suppliers should work towards meeting at least the basic standards to improve the appearance of construction projects.

Helping the construction industry present its best face

Edward Hardy, Chief Executive of CCS said “This new addition to the Best Practice Hub is another way for the industry to promote itself to an upcoming generation of construction workers. One of the five points of the scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice encourages those registered to care about their appearance, and First Impressions is a great resource to help address this area and help push the boundaries of what construction projects can achieve.”

Scheme monitors won’t penalise sites that don’t introduce the items or ideas from ‘First Impressions’. However, they won’t award the highest scores where something has not been done to address the initiative. Many companies have already embraced this and are working at the forefront of construction to raise the bar in what is to be considered ‘exceptional’.

The Scheme expects all sites to embrace the concept of First Impressions in hope that in time all companies review the appearance of their sites and promote our industry positively.

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